Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday May 28 CNN10


Memorial Day - Current holiday began in 1971 

the unofficial start of summer,  start white shoes, 

Memorial day actually started after the Civil War 1865 called declaration day changed to memorial day after WW1 1918

On Memorial day - parades, public events, the president usually goes to a cemetery -honor those that gave their lives in battle.

Tulsa Race Riots - Tulsa Okla -  Black Wall Street  1921 - Blacks and Whites were segregated - An incident occurred between a black and a white. Within 24 hours a mob burned down 35 square blocks of black-owned businesses. It is just now being brought to national attention.

Space - First spacewalk was in 1965. Russians were the first, America followed three months later. Since there have been over 200 spacewalks. Currently, use spacewalks to make repairs and help in deployment on the ISS.  Much training in pools 

Largest marsupials -Tasmanian Devil 

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