Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CNN10 Wed 4-28


2020 Census  331,49,281 lease amount since 1930 in growth.

435 seats in Congress 218 Dem/212 Rep/5 Vacant 

Restaurants - COVID -110,00 biz shut down, some permanently some temporarily.  5 1/2 people out of work. Now that we reopening from COVID -  Restaurants are having trouble finding people to fill jobs. One reason is that unemployment $300/week that goes for another 4 months.

Lumber Shortage.   Supply/Demand caused prices to soar.  $2.95 in Dec 2019.  $7.37 for the same piece of material.  $34 plywood sheet. $60 for the same sheet. Also, a cause there fires along the west coast. With people at home, having time started to do projects. Low house interest made homeowners do projects.

Olympics - Japan - 2020 Olympics held July 2021. No Fans/ minimum access by media. Currently, Japan is in lockdown.

Kansas Xmas Gift sent off on a balloon. traveled 500 miles. Someone found it and provided gifts to the family.

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